Article Summary: Renewable energy is an increasingly important topic in Australia as the country transitions to cleaner power sources. This is especially true in central western New South Wales, where new projects are stirring debate. Rural NSW is home to a growing number of solar and wind farms, but locals worry about the effects on agriculture, nature, and the landscape. Communities disagree on the shift toward renewable power in the region, which is an ideal area that will greatly help Australia move to more green energy. Over a dozen new energy projects are planned already, causing concern in the region. Read on to stay current with this issue and how it might affect you.

Renewable energy is an increasingly important topic in Australia as the country transitions to cleaner power sources. This is especially true in central western New South Wales, where new projects are stirring debate.

At the start of 2024, lawmakers are discussing energy infrastructure plans for rural and regional areas. Central West NSW will see the construction of major renewables like solar and wind farms to supply homes and businesses. However, not all locals support these projects due to concerns over their impact. 

This article explores what's happening with green energy development in central west NSW and how communities are responding to and against expanding renewable power.

What’s green energy? In a nutshell…

At, we're committed to cultivating sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices.

Green energy refers to power generated from natural, renewable resources that have a minimal environmental impact compared to fossil fuels. Key sources of green energy include solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass.

Solar power uses energy from the sun using photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight directly into electricity. Wind power generates electricity through wind turbines activated by air currents. Hydroelectric energy uses flowing water to turn turbines, producing electricity, while geothermal energy taps into the Earth's internal heat for power and heating. Biomass energy comes from organic materials (wood, waste, and alcohol fuels) and is renewable when plants are grown sustainably.

The advantages are clear—green energy boasts a significantly lower carbon footprint, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combatting climate change. This aligns with’s mission to empower farmers towards more profitable and productive eco-friendly operations.

Unlike fossil fuels, these renewable resources promise sustainability for the world's growing energy needs while driving economic development.

So, how can help?

Our pioneering farm management platform simply, yet smartly, equips farmers with the tools to seamlessly integrate sustainable practices into their operations.

Now, back to the issue at hand…

New infrastructure projects inspiring debate across rural communities

As Australia transitions to renewable energy, new infrastructure projects are inspiring debate across rural communities. While many regional residents see the long-term benefits, some feel overlooked by the development speed.

Recently established Renewable Energy Zones aim to coordinate large-scale builds in specific locations. However, public concern remains that local impacts may need to be adequately addressed.

Most want renewable power but want their voices heard regarding environmental, economic and social implications. 

As the Federal Parliament discusses policy and the Infrastructure Commissioner highlights in his recent review, customised engagement is key to gaining acceptance. 

Opposition will likely persist unless communities feel appropriately involved in decision-making that shapes their futures. Successfully navigating this challenge requires understanding diverse regional perspectives and priorities. It demands flexible plans reflective of local needs and deep democratic consultation at every stage.

Renewable Energy Zones

One farmer has become a spokesperson for central NSW's growing "renewable resistance" movement. He organised a protest that brought hundreds of other landowners and himself to Canberra to ask for a Senate inquiry into how the clean energy transition will impact agricultural communities.

The government wants 82% of Australia's power from renewable sources by 2030 through building transmission lines and huge solar and wind projects. This will help climate goals but could harm parts of central NSW's landscape and livelihoods. Being named a Renewable Energy Zone means the region must host many new farms. 

Over a dozen projects, like huge wind turbines near one farmer’s sheep property, have been proposed. She worries the area will become an industrialised "power station" field.

Residents want concerns about potential visual and land use effects addressed before projects begin. A Senate review could ensure regional considerations influence plans so communities feel safe during the shift to clean energy.

Australia’s Net-zero goal spotlights green energy land conflicts

Australia wants to reach zero carbon emissions by 2050. This means using more solar, wind and other green energy. However, some farmers worry about the impact on their land. 

Big projects are planned to build solar and wind farms. They also need new power lines across big areas.

Other farmers have concerns, too. The new infrastructure could get in the way of cattle and farming and reduce ideal farmland. While green energy is needed, small private projects also make it hard to get more. This shows conflicts between helping the environment and protecting farmers' jobs. Planners need a balanced way.

Stay informed on the green energy transition and remain positive…

The transition to renewable energy will continue affecting communities in Central West NSW as more solar and wind farms are built. While the green goals are important, locals deserve their concerns to be seriously addressed. 

Renewable developments may gain stronger acceptance over time with ongoing engagement and compromise. However, the community's views must remain at the forefront of planning. If new projects respect agricultural needs and landscapes as much as energy targets, tensions could lessen.

Green infrastructure progress is possible, but only through customised, community-focused solutions. And it’s not all doom and gloom—Australian farmers are leading the way in sustainability and climate change efforts

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Until we meet again, Happy Farming!

- The Dedicated Team of, 2024-02-27